

Welcome to my site! 

This is where you will see my new compositions and works in progress. What's up on the listening board will soon go away.  The structure of the process has changed. There will be project songs, and new individual songs as they come to me. Project will usually follow a theme or some idea and will occasionally be represented by photographs.  Maybe between five to to ten tracks. Kinda like a CD. That how I will roll so to speak.  There will also be additonal tracks from my archives.  These some on the many songs I've written over the years.  As I re-record them using modern technology I will post some for various reasons.  I'm also working on a Christmas set to be determined. I'm really jazzed about that!!

 ejazzonkp 11/17/13

The Project
A couple of new projects are coming.  The themes I'm tossing around are Architecure and The Resurrection of Now. Since this is a new process, there will be growing pains and I hope you will bear with me.  As the learning curve improves, new material will appear more quickly.  I am currently also re designing the website. 

The current postings are my first ones and will be going away soon.

Admiral T

Cross-Towne (currently playing on this site)

Wilshire Corridor.

Plus one from the Archives.  Even if you go away.


To get to the music, follow the link below.

Send correspondence to bryant@ejazzonkp.com.

Thanks for checking in. I'm Out!

To the music


There will be new postings coming.  See you soon!!

ejazzonkp 11/17/13